Disclaimer of liability

Last updated: May 18, 2023 Interpretation and definitions Interpretation Words whose initial letter is capitalized have defined meanings under the following conditions. The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in the singular or plural. Definitions For the purposes of this disclaimer: Disclaimer The information [...]

Terms and Conditions

Revised and updated text dated May 18, 2023. This document contains the general terms and conditions of sale and the contract that binds ISABELLA MAIA DE ALCÁNTARA (hereinafter NAILS COUTURE) as owner of the website: nailscouturebeauty.com and the trademark Nails Couture Beauty on the one hand, and you as consumer and [...]

Cookie Policy

Text revised and updated on May 18, 2023 In compliance with the duty of information contained in paragraph 2 of Article 22 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the purpose of this cookie policy is to inform you of [...]

Legal Notice

This Legal Notice applies to users and visitors of the website nailscouturebeauty.com Text revised and updated on May 18, 2023. PURPOSE: This website has been designed to publicize and sell to the general public the services offered by Nails Couture Beauty, located at: Calle [...]

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to the processing of data of users of the website: nailscouturebeauty.com Text revised and updated on May 18, 2023. Basic information on Data Protection Responsible ISABELLA MAIA DE ALCÁNTARA Purpose Provision of online services. Management of web users. Commercial communications related to our products and services.

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